Mark Hancock - The Wave Speaker
International Teacher and Speaker
Bring Mark to share the Wave story history and lessons for today
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Mark Hancock, the visionary behind this website. Mark dedicated his life to sharing his experience in the Third Wave Classroom experiment and promoting critical thinking. While we mourn this profound loss, we are committed to continuing Mark’s legacy. The website will remain active, and we will strive to uphold the values and vision that Mark instilled in us. Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this difficult time.
Mark Hancock knows the Wave story. He lived it as a student in the original 1967 classroom social experiment in fascism (“The Third Wave”), and now is the class historian, Associate Producer of two Wave documentary films (“Lesson Plan” and “Invisible Line“), and a speaker at schools, film festivals, theater productions, and organizations around the world; sparking discussions around leaders, followers and groups. He manages the primary Wave resource site
Mark visits schools, film festivals, theaters, organizations
Bring Mark to yours!
Whether you are a teacher using a Wave book or movie, or a theater group doing a Wave play or musical, a film festival looking for a timely film about today’s issues, or a religious or community organization looking for a topical speaker, Mark can help. He has visited and supported many Wave classes, plays and film festival screenings, and organizations, in the United States and internationally; along with media support including TV, radio and print interviews.
As a student in the original 1967 California “Third Wave” class, Mark brings his personal perspective to the story – how it felt to be in that experiment, what he saw, and what he learned. And now as the Wave class historian, and Associate Producer of two Wave documentary films, Mark gives the story dimension and depth that the books and films simply do not have time to explore. Through his current PhD work in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Mark brings additional perspective as we connect the past lessons with our polarized world today.
Ultimately, the lessons of the Wave story point to the positive behavior we need to encourage in today’s world.
This website illustrates what Mark has done in and around the Wave story over the past many years, with examples of how he can help you. To learn more about Mark and visits, see the About page. The News, Visits, Gallery, Videos pages cover Mark’s activities, and Reviews highlights testimonials.
The Third Wave and The Wave story
More important than ever!
“The Third Wave” was the 1967 California high school class social experiment in fascism during a Holocaust history lesson. It quickly went out of control, as teacher Ron Jones and his students got caught up in their roles and carried away. Now commonly known as “The Wave,” the story has been used for decades by thousands of teachers worldwide in their classrooms at high schools and universities, beginning with the 1981 Emmy-winning film “The Wave” by Norman Lear, and subsequent best-selling book “The Wave” by Todd Strasser (aka Morton Rhue). The story illustrates elements, the appeal and dangers of extremism – more important than ever in our increasingly polarized world.
The Wave story is used in many forms and venues, including movies, books, plays and musicals. You can learn more at the official Wave website that outlines the story, its history and variations, at:
The original Third Wave class is featured in the 2010 documentary film called “Lesson Plan” where the original teacher and students revisit the experience. In Germany, a new 2019 documentary called “The Invisible Line” also interviews the teacher and seven students.
The Wave story is a great catalyst for engaging students in discussions of the difficult issues of our time, including charismatic leaders, group dynamics, bullying and gangs; and for pursuing positive alternate behaviors.
Whether you are a teacher or a theater director, a film festival or organization screening one of the Wave films,
a visit and presentation by Mark will add value to your project.
Leaders and Followers
Extremists and Upstanders
– Bring Mark to explore the issues –